Monday, March 19, 2012

Another New Logo

I get bored with the same visuals all the time, which is why I switch up the logo here at the blog every couple months. I realize that most of you are not here often enough to get too bored with the pictures, but, man, I'm here just about every day. So some change is required.

The thing most of the images have in common is that they're done by my friend Ron Warren. He's also the fella responsible for most of my book covers. What can I tell you, I just dig his work.

The new image, above, I particularly like. I think I'll keep it for a while this time. What do you think?


  1. Ohhh, that looks fantastic! Good choice Heath, and great image Ron.

  2. I really like this one alot. It has a 1950's western roundup trailer park vibe going for it. Very nice.


  3. Yeah, whatever Whit said. Very cool :)

  4. I love this image. Everything about it.
    That being said, it isn't very "Psycho Noir". I'm probably being anal here, but does Ron have any dark inner city images? I still like this one. I'll probably visit the blog just to look on it. Would love to see it as one of your covers.

  5. Looks like a million bucks!You know how to keep classy!

  6. Thanks for the feedback, folks, much appreciated.

    And Kimmy, Ron does dung heaps as well. In fact, I'm pretty sure that's how he started in this business.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I feel like if I stopped at that motel for the night, I'd either wind up missing a finger, with an STD, or on the run from the law. Nothing good can come from that place. Count me as a fan of the new logo!

  9. I'm liking the new banner, Heath. Very nice!

  10. I love it. Looks like it's right down the lonesome highway from the Hotel California.
