Saturday, August 17, 2013

My place to write

After a while, you pretty much train yourself to write anywhere you have to write, but there's always one particular place that feels most natural for it. It's good to have your own private space for that. I'm fortunate that I do. Here's my study/library/cave, if you're interested. I tried to do a sort of panoramic thing but I suck as a photographer, sorry.


  1. Super looking space, love all those books, soft seating, and computer ready to go.

  2. I like it. Much neater than my office.

  3. Now that is a fine office. Every time I see photos of books I try to enlarge them to read the spine. Doesn't work here, sadly.

  4. Nice. I could write there very well. And, James, Heath probably just cleaned up before the pictures were taken.
