Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Over 100 Club

I already mentioned this on them there social media sites, like The Facebook and The Twitter, but I should say it here as well: this "less than 100 followers" thing is getting downright embarrassing. All the other bloggers are mocking me behind my back. So here's my offer...

If I can get to 100 followers... and beyond!!... I'll post an audio of me reading one of my stories here. You can close your eyes and listen to my dulcet tones and imagine James Earl Jones, Barry White, and Tommy Lee Jones all rolled up snug, reading a non-award-winning tale to chill yer hackles.

If you already follow, hey, thanks. If not, just click on that button somewhere over on the right. Or spread it around. I want them perks that come with more followers.


  1. Actually, you have a decent amount of followers. If I could shut up I'd probably have around 30 or 40

  2. This is a great site with some amazing posts, and I'd be very happy to spread the word, but dude, a little help? A button to find your twitter acct? Maybe a sharing gadget on the bottom of each post so people could get the word out on twitter/fb etc? I think there are a lot of people out there who would dig this site if they only knew about it.

    Moody Writing
    See that? That alone would get you over 100.

  3. Thanks for the tips, Mood. I've now added a "share" button for FB and Twitter, per your advice. And thanks for being a reader!

  4. Always enjoy the posts on Psychonoir. best, Lynn K.

  5. Court, from what I understand, there's pie.
